The Saint Joseph School Endowment Fund was established in 1989 to perpetuate, partially support, and uphold the educational work of Saint Joseph Parish School. The Endowment Trustees, who meet quarterly, oversee the fund.
Contact: Heather Koziarski, Business Manager (419) 885-5791
Tom Daney
Dick Faist
Robert Edwards, Principal
Jeff Wisniewski
Kevin Kenny
Msgr. Michael Billian, Pastor
Saint Joseph Parish Finance Council oversees the financial operations of the parish. The council meets bi-monthly to review parish and school finances and provides recommendations to our pastor regarding parish finances.
Contact: Heather Koziarski, Business Manager (419) 885-5791
Dick Faist
Steve House
Jim Layman
Jeff Ganues
Ashley Schade
Kevin Kelly
Terry Thomas
Pastoral Council is a group of ten parishioners who serve as an advisory body for pastoral leadership in our community. They are asked to provide to the Pastor relevant counsel for ensuring the spiritual and pastoral vitality of our parish.
Contact: Monsignor Michael Billian (419) 885-5791
Chris Allen-Powers
Marcus Droll
Amber Malone
Dave Koenig
Colleen Duncan
Deb Gaster
Christopher Dunlevy
John Healey
Brandon Kulka
Grace Kelly
The OYCF administrates (designs, develops, directs and evaluates) a parish catechetical program for young people from pre-school through high school and provides leadership to assist the parish community in building a solid foundation of catechetical ministry and outreach. The OYCF Advisory Council offers advice to the director regarding programming for our parish youth and families.
Contact: Philipp Levering, Director
Ben Bolbach
Cathy Tsou
Amber Malone
Christie Soltman
The School Advisory Council concerns itself with the planning and formulating of educational policy for Saint Joseph Parish School, and acts in the advisory capacity to the pastor and principal. Meetings are usually open to parish members.
Non-discrimination Policy: Saint Joseph Parish School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Contact: Robert Edwards, Principal
Valerie Bullard
Matthew Harrison
Lynette Reichle
Cristy Pappas
Lindsay Templeton
Kari Tabb
Nicole Vanderweele
Mark Bigelow
Kate Beutel
Douglas Koop
Kurt Soltman
Joseph Schlageter
Mallory Nester
The Saint Joseph Parish Athletic Council is a group established by the Pastor for the purpose of supporting young parishioners and the programs offered for them in the parish. In addition, it will supervise and appoint commissioners of sports. The coaches and heads of other various youth activities will be responsible to and report to their commissioners. The Council shall prepare and supply rules and regulations governing the various youth programs as necessary.
Contact: Jane Richardson, CYO Athletic Coordinator
Sean Savage
Kelly Rucki
Tom Donovan
Ted Adams
Christine Barchick
Paul Martin
Matt Schaaf
Jake Teal
Brandon Gabel
Tim Lambert