Get Involved

Get Involved


The community of disciples has as its principal task the promotion and sustaining of growth through interpersonal relationships focused on the person of Christ. This bonding together makes us into the Body of Christ. Parishes are called, through their activities, to bring people together in a spirit of unity through diversity. All the ministries related to the building up of the community are included in this category.


Formation is the growth and development of the whole person by an intentional focus on one’s spiritual and interior life, as well as spiritually fruitful interactions with others in ordinary life. It is a life-long process as a believer desires to become a disciple of Jesus and become more like him. This is possible only because of the divine grace of the Gospel and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. All the ministries related to the education and formation of God’s people are included in this category.


Service is both an attitude and a practical response based on the Lord’s declaration that one who wishes to be the greatest in the Kingdom of God must become the servant of all. It is also the virtue that directs all the other virtues of individuals toward the common good. All the ministries related to the social outreach directed by the social doctrine of the Church are included in this category.


Christian stewards are disciples of Jesus Christ who receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. All the ministries related to the stewardship of God’s gifts to his people are included in this category.


Worship is the response of the People of God to the Father’s invitation to be one with Him, expressed through the Church’s official liturgy, as well as through other prayers and devotions. Our worship is directed to the Father, through the Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. All the ministries related to the prayer of the Church are included in this category.

Adoration (Wednesdays and First Fridays)

Would you like to sign-up for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament? To sign-up for your Holy Hour, please CLICK HERE. If the spot is open it will have a place for you to choose to sign-up in a white box with a check-off box. After checking the box you will be asked to fill in your name and email address so that confirmations and reminders can be sent to you. It is quick and easy to do! Or, you may call the parish center if you do not have computer access and we will let you know the open time slots and fill your name in for you!

Thank you for helping to keep the adoration available! To avoid canceling Wednesday Adoration, we must have all slots filled-in online each Wednesday to allow Adoration to continue into the future. Please consider signing up for an open hour as often as possible. The beginning/ending hours are subject to change due to participation. Please call with any questions.

LuAnn Tafelski (Ministry Coordinator) 419 -885- 5791

Adult Formation & Evangelization Committee

The Evangelization Team exists to foster and promote a community of “Evangelizers”. Events and programs are supported that enkindle and nurture the faith of our parish community, enrich the ongoing process of conversion and spiritual growth, and enable all to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to those around them by word and deed. 

Joanne Denyer 419-885-5791

Blood Drive

The annual blood drive is coordinated in conjunction with the American Red Cross in October. Between 40-50 parishioners give blood. Volunteers help unload the trucks, set up the cots and equipment, and reload the trucks when the drive is finished. It is a very valuable and rewarding project to work on.

Mark Boyer

Christmas Outreach

The mission of this outreach program is to assist local families in need to celebrate Christmas. The ministry was founded more than 11 years ago by Mary Jane and Mike DelVerne and has grown to serve more than 200 families, due to the interest and generosity of our parishioners. The families we serve are referred to us by Harbor, Heroes in Action, Sylvania Area Family Services, and our own parish. We are blessed that is has been funded by donations and staffed by many volunteers.

Sue Jurski

Comfort Blanket

The Comfort Blanket Ministry involves making blankets (43”x 43”) by sewing twenty-five 9” decorated squares of fabric. Some of the squares have messages of hope and encouragement. The blankets are given to people who are having a difficult time in their lives due to illness, death, divorce, job loss, etc. The group meets once a month on the third Wednesday at 4:00 pm. Watch the bulletin for meeting times. Please come and be a part of this wonderful caring ministry.

Denise Stump

Joanne Denyer

Eucharistic Ministry to Individuals

Lay ministers bring Communion or offer Communion services for Catholic patients at Flower Hospital, extended and nursing care facilities, and those that are homebound in the Sylvania area.

Joanne Denyer 419-885-5791

Feed Lucas County Children

Feed Lucas County Children, Inc provides hot nutritionally balanced meals to several thousand children 18 years and younger who live at or below poverty levels. Last summer, over a 10-week period, FLCC provided over 177,000 meals to at-risk children in the Toledo/Lucas County area and has now expanded to Wood County. FLCC provides meals locally in the Sylvania area at the Sylvania Area Family Services office through their summer programs for children.

FLCC Office 419-720-1106

Feed My Sheep Garden

St. Joseph has a vegetable garden on the grounds near the Wurzel Family Center. Our gardener volunteers plant and tend the garden and then harvest and deliver the vegetables to various community centers throughout the area.  Many opportunities throughout the season to help give back to our communities!

Marcus Droll

Fellowship Potluck

Hebrews 10: "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another."  Several scripture passages such as this say this is to be a part of our life as a Christ follower, not something we try to fit into our Christian life after everything is done.  There are many who don't have someone to eat dinner with, many people are eating dinner alone.  You can help!  Join us for our monthly Fellowship Potluck on Monday, the first Monday of every month.  from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the Father Wurzel Family Center in the East Campus building.  Bring a dish to share.  Please invite someone!  Everyone is welcome. 

RSVP to Mary Jane DelVerne


Annual three-day festival held the 3rd weekend of May. Festirama is a fun-filled weekend for all parishioners, young and old. Amusement rides, live bands, children & adult games, bingo, fast foods, raffles, and our famous Sunday chicken dinner. It is a community-building event and a major source of income for the parish.

Heather Koziarski, Business Manager 419-885-5791

Funeral Liturgy Planning Committee

Staff members and a committee of parishioners assist bereaved members in preparing the funeral liturgy of a deceased parishioner. Bible readings, music, prayers, and participants are selected with the assistance of this group. Additional support and outreach are available through the Bereavement Group. Contact the Parish Office for information.

Parish Office 419-885-5791

Girls on the Run (GOTR)

GOTR is an after-school program for girls in grades 3 through 5 that combines training to participate in a 5K running event with self-esteem enhancing discussions and a community service project. Saint Joseph sponsors one or two teams, depending on interest and coaching availability, that are open to all parishioners within the eligible grade levels. To find out more about GOTR, visit Contact us if you are interested in coaching or registering a participant.

Shelly Piscopo 419-882-6670

Good Samaritan

Aware of Christ’s example, as demonstrated by the Good Samaritan in scripture, we want to meet those in poverty and help to change their lives by listening to their stories and guiding them on their journey to positive outcomes.

Mary Jane DelVerne

Help the Needy

There are so many people in need and often what they have a need for may be sitting in a drawer or closet at someone’s home, which is how this ministry began. The parish gets requests from different agencies or people; someone is in need of a stove or bed or furniture, a veteran may need a ride to his doctor’s appointment, people in need of clothes or shoes or food, a family burned out of their home in need of everything. These calls are received and then an email is sent out to our growing distribution list. Parishioners respond letting us know what they have. They drop off their donations or someone from our ministry will pick them up. You can help by adding your name to the email list, being a part of the pick-up and delivery committee, or being the person to accept the calls and send out the emails.

Mary Jane DelVerne

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a family-oriented, Catholic fraternal service organization that has as its main principles, charity, unity, and fraternity. Its main focus is supporting the pastor in his goals and protecting the widows and children of members through our fraternal benefit programs. Any practicing Catholic male over the age of 18 is eligible to become a member.

Paul Casmus

Liturgy Screen Projection Ministry

 This is an easy way to help during Mass. The slideshow for Mass displays song lyrics, prayers and instructions, helping people participate better. It makes our liturgy easier to understand and takes away limitations to our prayer.

     Arrive 10 minutes before Mass to look through the slideshow that is projected on the screen during the liturgy. The computer station is at the column near the Saint Joseph statue. Simply press a button to advance the words at the appropriate time. Families or individuals are welcome to help. First-time training can be provided before or after Mass. Thank you for your help! Contact Libby Saxton in the parish office with any questions


Libby Saxton 419-885-5791

Lunch 'N Learn

Saint Joseph Parish’s Lunch ‘N Learn program is for any parishioner and their guests. They are held a few times a year and include a guest speaker on a variety of subjects and lunch. It begins with lunch at 11:30 a.m. with the speaker to follow. They are held in the East Campus Meeting Rooms. The cost is $5. Keep watching the bulletin for upcoming dates and topics.

Joanne Denyer  (419) 885-5791

Ministry to the Sick and Infirm

A Priest from St. Joseph will be happy to visit any of our parishioners, who are patients in area hospitals or nursing homes. However, hospitals do not routinely notify the parish of parishioners admitted. Please notify the parish office if you or a family member is hospitalized. If you are anticipating surgery, the Sacrament of the Sick can be received before you enter the hospital; please call one of the priests to schedule that sacramental experience. Our Eucharistic Ministers visit Catholic patients at Flower Hospital and the extended care and nursing care facilities in the area bringing Holy Communion several times weekly. They minister Communion to shut-ins by individual arrangement. A listing of our parishioners who are ill and in need of our prayers will be printed in the bulletin. To request someone's name to be listed, please fill out the card located by the suggestion box in the back of the church. The completed card may be put in the suggestion box or dropped off at the Parish Center.

Parish Center 419-885-5791

  • Adult Choir
  • Cantors
  • Children's Choir
  • Contemporary Ensemble
  • Resurrection Choir

For more information on the different Music Ministry, click here.

Libby Saxton 419-885-5791

Parish Office Volunteer

Ever have a few hours to spare here and there? Several times a year we have projects that many hands would make light work for our office staff. It's a great opportunity to meet others in the parish while giving a few hours of service to the parish.

LuAnn Tafelski - Office Manager (419) 885-5791

Personal Care Collection

The Saint Joseph collection is every other month (odd months), during the last full weekend of the month. We donate the collected toiletry items quarterly to three area organizations: Jewish Family Services, Lutheran Social Services, and Sylvania Area Family Services. Suggested items to donate are body soap or wash, toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, and deodorant.

 Marge Lubiatowski Facilitator.

Respect Life Committee

The Respect Life Ministry was formed in the spring of 1997 and is open to all parishioners committed to developing greater awareness in our church and community of our great gift from God, LIFE! We hold meetings to plan our activities. Watch the bulletin for meeting dates. Please join us and take action to help implement a “culture of life.”

Don Birsen
LuAnn Tafelski 419-885-5791


  • Girl Scouts

Saint Joseph Parish girls have the opportunity to participate in Girls Scouts beginning in kindergarten. Scouts take on additional responsibilities and leadership as they move through the levels of Girl Scouting: Daisies (grades K-1), Brownies (grades 2-3), Juniors (grades 4-5), Cadettes (grades 6-8) and Seniors (high school). The program gives scouts a variety of experiences in leadership, outdoor skills, science & technology, arts & crafts, sports, and community service. 


  • Cub Scouts

In Cub Scouting, first through fifth-grade boys work in partnership with family, church and community organizations to develop character-building skills that will serve them now and throughout their lives. Pack 87 Cubs go camping with St. Joseph’s Boy Scout troop, participate in community service projects, celebrate Mass together on Scout Sunday and, of course, race in the annual Pinewood Derby. Cubs meet regularly throughout the year to work on scouting and family skills, fun activities, as well as advancement from Tiger to the Arrow of Light.

Scott Lehren, Cubmaster


  • Boy Scouts

The troop enjoys backpacking trips as well as week-long experiences at Camp Pioneer. The scouts are also involved in many service projects. Under careful leadership, boys in grades six to high school are helped to grow into responsible manhood. There is also an active Cub Scout program listed below.

Mike Lynn

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Soup Kitchens

St. Joseph Parish is involved in several different outreaches to feed the needy in our community and beyond.

Helping Hands of St. Louis

  • The Helping Hands of St. Louis Soup Kitchen is located on 6th Street in the East Side of Toledo. We prepare, serve and cleanup for the lunch on the 2nd Friday of every month. We also do the Christmas meal for the Kitchen. We serve 200 to 300 people each day we are there, and around 400 for the Christmas meal. Volunteer hours are flexible from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Dick Schuller

Joseph's Meals

  • Once a month St. Joseph parishioners donate food items including baked pasta casseroles to be used at St. Louis Kitchen for the Poor in east Toledo. Sign up sheets are posted at the back of the church and at both front entrances during all Masses on the previous weekend. Then on that following Wednesday parishioners take their donations to the drop off location which is at the east campus parking lot on Ravine Road. Two trucks are loaded by volunteers and driven down to St Louis kitchen. This takes place the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Larry & Deb Gaster

St. Paul's

  • In the mid-’90s our parish was also asked to support St. Paul’s United Methodist Soup Kitchen. This is a one time per year commitment, usually in mid-September. Our commitment is a Sunday meal served at 1:30 to the general public from St. Paul’s Community Center and Shelter downtown. Different churches throughout the area provide both the food and preparation for approximately 150 meals each Saturday and Sunday throughout the year. Mike Kruse

Virtus / Volunteers

Dear Volunteers:

Thank you for your continued support of our parishes and schools. It is our sacred duty to protect the youth that attend our parishes and schools. With this in mind and our continued diligence toward a safe environment for our youth, the Diocese of Toledo implemented a process of training and background checks for our employees and volunteers that became effective July 1, 2016. 

All volunteers in our school and those in our parishes whose service brings them into contact with children are required to fulfill the following:

1) Read and Acknowledge Standards and Guidelines

2) Complete a Social Security Number background check, completed by

3) Complete the protecting youth program online, Protecting God's Children 4.0 and Vulnerable Adults 2.0.

All requirements are good for 5 years from the date of completion. The requirements must be renewed every 5 years. All of these requirements may be fulfilled through the VIRTUS website.

Please check with your parish/school Safe Environment Compliance Officer to see if you currently have an account and if you are in need of updating any of your requirements.


Jacqueline R. Maume

Coordinator, Office of Child and Youth Protection

Diocese of Toledo

VIRTUS Online Registration Instructions

VIRTUS Updating Requirements



Spanish: https://www

There you will set up your account in VIRTUS. You will then complete all 3 components of the Protecting God's Children program on-line:

1) You will read and electronically acknowledge the Standards and Guidelines Form,

2) Complete a social security number based background check through ($25) -If you have lived outside of Ohio in the last 5 years there may be additional charges dependent on the county where you lived.

3) Complete Protecting God's Children 4.0 and Vulnerable Adults 2.0 online module. 

IF YOU ARE AN EXISITING VOLUNTEER and have completed a protecting youth course or had a background check submitted at any point in your volunteering, those records are in the VIRTUS system. Please check with your local Compliance Officer, he/she will be able verify your account in VIRTUS and inform you what is needed for you to remain a volunteer.

*There are 2 instances where new volunteers will not be asked to complete all 3 requirements

1) CYO Coach-will be ask to complete only the SSN background check. All other requirements will be completed at a Certification or Recertification Workshop

2) Scout Leader-will not be asked to complete the background check as they must be completed per Council requirements. FYI, the background check required by a Scout council is good only for scouting. If you wish to volunteer in another capacity you must complete the diocesan requirements. 

Welcoming Committee

This group strives to provide a warm and inviting atmosphere for new parishioners as well as existing parishioners. Members call and visit new parishioners and provide them with an informational packet. The committee hosts a breakfast for new parishioners every six months. The welcoming committee, along with other parish organizations, assists in greeting parishioners at Mass.

Stacy Bruno (419) 885-5791

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