CYO Parent's Code

CYO Parent's Code

Parents are asked to always remember that they are their child's primary role model. With that in mind parents should:

  1. Follow the chain of command for addressing concerns and problems
  2. The procedure should begin by approaching the coach of the team in question.
  3. The process continues by approaching the commissioner of that particular sport. Below is a listing of the sports and their commissioners.
  4. The process continues by contacting the athletic board. The board consists of the commissioners and the athletic coordinator, Jane Richardson.
  5. The process continues by contacting the athletic coordinator, Jane Richardson.

2.   Parents should treat coaches, refs, team members and opposing teams with courtesy and respect at all times. Obviously, this prohibits swearing at any sporting event.

3.   Remember that parents, as well as the athletes and coaches, represent the parish and their conduct should represent the principles of Christian behavior. Any parent or spectator not abiding by these behavioral guidelines will be asked to leave the sporting event by the athletic director, the coach, or the coordinator.

4.   Parents shall assist their children in selecting proper equipment for the particular sport involved and make sure it is well fitting.

5.   Parents shall assist children in attending practices and making necessary steps to insure that their child attends as many practices as possible.

6.   Parents shall make sure they pick up their children promptly after practice. Remember that our coaches are volunteers and have already committed a great deal of time to our children.

7.   Parents should discuss with coaches any family responsibilities which would conflict with practices or games.

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